Hi everyone, yes a big day for me today – my first book is now in print and published and this is my very first attempt at a blog! Lucky that it’s March 31st and not tomorrow – a different sort of first altogether! We awoke to snow falling this morning here in Lincolnshire which reminded me of our last morning afloat in January 2000 – the first snow we had encountered in our 18 months aboard and the deck white and slippery underfoot. And we have also exchanged our warm winter duvet for a flimsy summer one during the unexpected Spring warmth of last week! ‘Thank you for my dinner, may I get down please?’ is not actually my first book – but the first to be presented to a publisher. I started writing about 15 years ago, poems, short stories and a collection of favourite and less well known sayings heard and used over the years. No longer living in France (rather sadly) but swapping the rolling hills and countryside around our cottage there for the flat lands of the Fens – where you can see the same view over many miles just nearer or further away. Many unexpected things have happened to me over the course of my life and we have made some very unexpected moves and decisions. I have added one of my early poems which seems to suit the moment. So, wishing all my fellow authors who have a book out today for the first time, the very best of luck!

Tales of the Unexpected

Unexpected love, unexpected gratitude,
unexpected joy, unexpected magnamitude.
From unexpected places appear unexpected pleasures
in unexpected corners amongst life’s trials and treasures.
They always take you by surprise, you never see them come…
brief fleeting moments that end as quickly as they began.
Next time try and hold one and grasp it in your hand,
look at it, feel it, savour it, for it’s part of your life’s plan.

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