April is a busy month for birthdays – both Sooty and Smokey arrived at this time of year and I will attempt to include photos of both of them to my blog….apologies for Sooty’s non-appearance on my last one…. That all happened some while ago in France, but this year, as well as Smokey’s 7th birthday, (now a Senior) we also have a big important one to celebrate. If you multiply 7 by a certain number and then add a bit, you will arrive at Graham’s special birthday in a couple of weeks time. Mind you, he prefers to keep to the Martian calendar when counting, and tries to persuade others to do the same! A typical Aries – very independent and unwilling to compromise on beliefs and ideals, a bit of a challenge, but warm and passionate and loyal to the end. My father was also an Aries and shared many of these characteristics…….he would have been 115 tomorrow, April 6th, born in 1907 and died at the very young age of 69. He had a ready, dry wit and we still remember some of his sayings or expressions and they still make us laugh……here is one that he used frequently on the farm when complaining about young heifers or steers that had strayed onto neighbouring land -‘They blasted reindeer – give the so & so’s wings and they’d fly’! Of course, this would have been delivered in a strong Somerset accent. Mummy also had some favourite sayings, usually of a more practical nature and often to do with the vagaries of the weather in the West Country….’Cast ne’er a clout ’til May be out’ – a timely warning about how to dress appropriately, clout being a piece of cloth. I’m sure she would not have encouraged us to swap our nice warm winter duvet for a light-weight summer one in the middle of March!
Here goes with the photos…
2 fireside cats together
Sooty relaxing on the lawn
Smokey viewing the situation from a garden bench.

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