People are always saying it's not a good idea to return to places you once knew – or even to think about them or pour over old photographs and mementos. Re-living and reflecting on the Past are best avoided – fill your days and head with the Present – surely there's enough material there to get on with....

But, contrary to all the advice, recently we returned to France and to the area where we lived for over six years. It's nearly four years since we left – a fraught and frantic departure in the early hours of a late November morning – to catch, what turned out to be one of the last, if not the very last, ferry back to England. The Corona Virus had struck – with all it's imposed limitations and restrictions.

So, our recent visit was almost like another leave-taking, seeing all the familiar sights and some familiar faces, and meeting up with old neighbours and friends. Re-living those memorable and well known cycle rides along the lanes bordering Normandy and the Pays de la Loire... passing through the wonderful scenery – I could easily have halted the car around every bend to soak it all in afresh. Realizing just how very lucky we had been back in 2014, landing in a place of such beauty and tranquility, and now, having distanced ourselves, being able to appreciate it even more.

Maybe it was not a good move to travel back in time, and many 'told you so's' followed our return....But our trip has certainly reawakened thoughts and re-affirmed pictures in my mind, and most of all has left me with a greater feeling of gratitude and thankfulness for all we lived amongst and held dear during those years spent in France.

For my accompanying photos I have chosen the Pont a Buty - one of my favourite walks, crossing the Colmont River and up through the woods. Then the final approach around the corner to our house, and an autumn scene in the garden taken when we lived there.

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