I like to write and paint a little but I can't really be called an 'author' or an 'artist' in the accepted sense of those words – writing and painting are just things I enjoy doing from time to time...

I suppose it all started at school where we were encouraged to use our imaginations to make the most of any skills or interests. With the same ideas and intent many of us played musical instruments and some (not me), excelled at, for instance, ballet, woodcarving, pottery and acting... Subjects which are now counted as 'extras' were included in the timetable – mind you, it was a long school day with the last lesson finishing at 6.45pm... But we did have the benefit of the long summer holiday, 8 weeks, a proper break and an opportunity to catch up on and get absorbed in activities or pursuits we particularly enjoyed...
For me, apart from reading and playing the piano, living in the country I much enjoyed cycling around the lanes, exploring and discovering new routes – often with a short break at a friend's or relation's house for a little light refreshment! I also knew my way around the local area on foot and occasionally acted as a guide for others.... So I had lots to fill my days, and can never remember being bored. I kept a diary for several years that probably helped to clarify my thoughts and may have given rise to my later ideas and scribbles.
I like to record different facets or follow different strands of my upbringing and life and see how they interact and fit together a bit similar to pieces of a jigsaw. It's surprising how many angles can be taken and written about – I have about 20 short stories at the last count!
And the scribbles sometimes end up as poems – and here's where the splodges appear as little illustrations, or even as the subject for a verse or two, perhaps enhanced by scraps cut from magazines, papers and brochures.
Art in various forms was popular at school – several girls pursuing successful careers in design, costume and the creative arts. For one of my 'O' level art choices, I selected lettering – rather unusual perhaps, but it has proved very useful over the years – in fact, often being asked to write little dedications inside books, and on one occasion labels for a collection of herb and spice jars!
Scribbles and splodges certainly have a place, and although not high class art, are a way of passing on and presenting everyday happenings in an informal manner – as well as being gently therapeutic for the 'do-er' or creator!
For my accompanying photos I've selected a page from my old lettering exercise book coupled with a book dedication, a typical example from one of my 'poetry' books with illustration, and a selection of short story headings, randomly chosen from my collection of writings.

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