As late October is the time of both the Wells Festival of Literature and Northern Ireland Book Week, I thought I would start with a little quote from Michael Longley, the Belfast poet. He introduces his 'Bookshop' poem with a few words to his own grandchildren, which also resonate very much with me:- “Reading books makes up for us only having one life”. A great encouragement to read – if you need it – and an excellent incentive to keep the bookshop tradition alive....

For several years at school I was destined to be a librarian – I'd always shown an interest in books and joined our local public library as soon as it opened in the 1960's. In fact, my father and I joined at the same time – and used to have little competitions on how many books we read! I remember in particular, a joint passion for the novels of Thomas Hardy, almost a local figure, and a resident of our neighbouring county of Dorset, a farming and countryside environment that we could both easily relate to. I expand upon this more fully in my own 'Thank you' book.

Although my career with books didn't materialize and my future took a different path, my interest in reading continued and widened with the input and influence of fellow college students and friends.

Whilst living and teaching in London in the 1970's, a favourite Saturday afternoon outing was to the second hand bookshops around Tottenham Court Road – I still have a few 'souvenirs' from these on my bookshelves...And also a few books from the time when I joined one of those Literary Clubs that used to advertise in the Sunday paper colour supplements.

One of the first things on my 'to do' list wherever I move to or live, is to seek out any, preferably second hand or charity bookshop, and to join the local library. Here in Louth, I am doubly lucky – with both just down the hill and quickly accessible on foot.

Oh, I should mention as a sort of 'sideline', that I sold books as a 'work from home' job for a couple of years, again increasing my knowledge – and my arm muscles, as boxes of books are very heavy to lift and transport!

For my pictures I've chosen an old one from my teenage years, sitting on the steps at home with a book perched on my knees and our dog at my feet – this photo actually appears in my book where I refer to myself as a 'bit of a bookworm'! During the years around 2010 we were fortunate to live in a small market town with several second hand bookshops – and also, incidentally, a very useful music shop... So, my other 2 photos are taken inside my favourite bookshop, sadly no longer there but very well represented and remembered on my bookshelves.

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