Well, it’s come and gone but will never disappear from our memories – the long weekend of celebration for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. I’m sure we will all have our own favourite moments of events, parties and happenings both big and small. Our village in Lincolnshire entered into the spirit and swing of things with picnics, fun and festivities in the park and playgrounds, photos and memorabilia, special services in the church and of course plenty of red, white and blue… Decorated hats and outfits to match, crowns for children, ribbons for dogs, and small shops presenting their personal little displays and creative ideas.

Looking up into the skies above and linking us with the grand events in London – whilst sitting out in the garden early Thursday afternoon, we saw a formation of 5 Typhoon aircraft returning to base at nearby RAF Coningsby after taking part in the spectacular air display over the City. ’70 in the sky’ was certainly a highlight for me viewing from home, as was a magnificent large square iced cake made by one of the ladies at church and tasting like the very best wedding cake, thick with fruit and memories…

My mother would hve loved it and thoroughly approved of a fruit cake for such a special occasion. She never considered sponges (now almost usurping the traditional fruit cake at Christmas, weddings and anniversaries) as ‘proper’ cakes and used to return to her well tried and practised fruit cake recipe. She usually had such a cake ‘on the go’ and ready to offer with a cup of tea to anyone who dropped by…every visit was an occasion to her and she liked to make guests and callers feel welcomed and special – she often put the flags out too! Actually flags still came out occasionally to greet our visitors when we lived in France (British flags of course!)

I’m attaching a short Jubilee poem which I wrote….and even illustrated!

Also, a photo of the flags along our road in the village,

plus my decorated hat with a personal ‘Thank You’.

Incidentally, I feel the Queen would approve as the flags adorning our house were recycled from previous Jubilees!




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