To celebrate 3 great women – the Queen,
my mother and my grandmother, and all my aunties – both real and unreal, and
not forgetting women authors of course!
Here is a little poem I wrote before Christmas in
praise of a glass of sherry and how it seems to bring people together on
special occasions – both into our lives and into our homes.
There’s a bottle of sherry in the bottom of our
and a decanter with a set of glasses on a tray
we like a glass on Sundays sometime between church
and lunch –
it seems to give a feeling of fellowship, of warmth
and of love.
My mother kept a bottle which she shared with
friends from far and near-
an English tradition that extended both sideways
and back down through the years…
(and more refined than wine and far more special
than a glass of beer).
It’s with us from the very start – a toast to every
birth and marriage,
on anniversaries and when we die –
and Christmas wouldn’t be Christmas without sherry
and a mince pie.
We raise a glass on State occasions, at Royal
Weddings and for the Queen,
and a Noel Coward play would be incomplete without
sherry to complement the scene…
I used to think that sherry came from Bristol –
looking at the label and name,
until I learnt that it’s home was much further
afield –
in the South of Africa or on a sunny slope in
Sherry is perfect with a digestive biscuit,
shortbread or a cheesy nibble or two,
and at all those times when you’re blowing out the
candles and nothing else will do –
So, pass the decanter, mother,
and enjoy a glass with me,
for all the memories we shared
deserve more than just a cup of tea!
And 3 pictures for the Platinum Jubilee – one from
our local Scout Aid Charity Shop,
one of the floral display outside the local pub,
and lastly the Queen with Royal colours and a good
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